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Support for your patients

As a health professional, you'll know how overwhelming a bladder cancer diagnosis is for patients and their families. We can provide information and emotional support during their journey. The advice and support we offer is designed to complement the primary support they receive from you, their medical team.

On this page we have listed three types of services and support we offer to patients across the UK. This is to help you get a sense of what we offer and to make it easy for you to signpost to your patients.

We have also produced reference resources and materials for you to use in your clinic. These are listed on our support for you page.

Information for your patients

Our collection of 11 Information Booklets covers all stages and types of bladder cancer. Each has been written in collaboration with our medical panel and endorsed by BAUN, BAUS and BUG. The booklets help patients and their loved ones feel informed. Financial support provided by the Graham and Dianne Roberts Charitable Settlement, Merck, the Merck-Pfizer Alliance, MSD, the National Lottery Community Fund, Roche, and Sanofi. All editorial control has been retained by Fight Bladder Cancer.

Here is a full list of titles:

  • Tests and investigations
  • What is a TURBT?
  • Non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (low-risk and intermediate-risk)
  • Non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (high-risk)
  • Muscle-invasive bladder cancer
  • Living with a stoma
  • Living with a neobladder
  • Advanced bladder cancer
  • Surviving bladder cancer
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Caring for someone with bladder cancer

Patients can access the information and order their own copies of the booklets via our Get Help section.

As a health professional, we can give you a full set of booklets in a reference folder to help you to choose the right ones for your patient. See support for you, for how to order.

Clinical trials

If you are exploring options for your patients, please look at our live list of clinical trials. Please also get in touch if you know of a trial which isn't on this list and should be. Email us at

Talking support

We operate a helpline from 0900–1630, Monday to Friday. There’s an answerphone if we’re busy and we will call people back as soon as we can. The phone line is 01844 351 621. Patients can also get support via our email using

Talking to other people who have had the same tests, investigations and diagnosis can help patients and their loved ones come to terms with what to expect. Our private online forum on Facebook is available 24/7, 365 days a year. We run virtual monthly support groups via Zoom. We can also put your patients and their loved ones in touch with someone else with a similar diagnosis through our Bladder Buddies programme.

Patients can get more information via our getting support page.

Ways to keep in touch

Our Fight Magazine is published regularly and contains inspiring stories from patients, medical progress and developments with an up-to-date list of bladder cancer trials. Our monthly eNews also keeps patients and carers in touch with the latest bladder cancer news and updates from us. Anyone can sign up for our Magazine and eNews.

We also encourage patients to get involved with our campaigning and fundraising work. As part of the Wee family we can provide materials to support fundraising activities. We pull out all the stops in May which is Bladder Cancer Awareness month!

Get in touch

We’ve tried to make the information on this site as accurate as possible. Whilst we have support from medical professionals to review the general medical content of this site, please remember that only your medical team can give you specific advice about your symptoms or illness. Fight Bladder Cancer is a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation in Scotland (SC051881), England and Wales (1198773), and was initially established as an unincorporated charity in England and Wales (1157763). It also operates in Northern Ireland.