Support for you
As a heath professional, we know that you are working under very difficult conditions at the moment. With so many staff redeployed to COVID units, we know that your usual processes and patient journeys are being affected. Maybe you are now seeing patients remotely or less frequently than usual. No doubt, you'll be seeing patients who are dealing with additional anxieties.
We are here to support you where we can. We can provide you with resources to help you raise awareness and share information.
Getting information to your patients
Our Patient Information Booklets cover the bladder cancer journey. They have been written in partnership with patients and our medical panel and endorsed by the British Association of Urological Nurses, the British Association of Urological Surgeons, and the British Uro-Oncology Group.
The information is presented in a clear and simple way. Technical terms are explained. Diagrams and photos show diagnosis and treatment to help reduce uncertainty. The booklets are full of tips shared by patients.
We can give you a reference copy folder with all 10 booklets. Order your free Patient Information Booklet folder today.
Once you have the folder you can use them to choose which booklets are needed for your patient. If you already know, please use the booklets order form and we'll send them direct to your patient via post or email.
Raising awareness about bladder cancer
Our leaflets and posters highlight the signs and symptoms of bladder cancer and the help that’s available. The posters suitable for clinical spaces as they are printed with a laminated finish. Medical professionals can order awareness materials from us, free of charge.
We supply Urology Nurses with free personalised contact cards. The front has a space where you can add your contact details. On the back is information about support from Fight Bladder Cancer. Order contact cards.
If you run a GP surgery or clinic, you can order a GP awareness pack called #BeClearOnCancer.
Please do get in touch, if we can help you do more to raise awareness. Email us at
Keeping you in touch
Our informative Fight Magazine is published twice a year. It includes articles from patients and medical professionals, updates on trials and progress being made in the treatment of bladder cancer.
We also share a monthly eNews to keep you in touch with latest news. Sign up to receive Fight Magazine and/ or eNews.
We also encourage you to get involved with our campaigning and fundraising work. We can provide you with materials for awareness stands and would value your involvement during May which is Bladder Cancer Awareness month.
Get in touch
We’ve tried to make the information on this site as accurate as possible. Whilst we have support from medical professionals to review the general medical content of this site, please remember that only your medical team can give you specific advice about your symptoms or illness. Fight Bladder Cancer is a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation in Scotland (SC051881), England and Wales (1198773), and was initially established as an unincorporated charity in England and Wales (1157763). It also operates in Northern Ireland.