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Getting support

Reading everything on our website and the associated downloads will explain most things about bladder cancer. But we know that talking to patients and carers who have also been affected by bladder cancer can fill in any gaps and give you emotional and practical advice. We are here to support you.

You can send any questions or concerns to us via email or call us on 01844 351621. 

Keep in touch with updates via our social media channels and get our regular Fight Magazine (to get a copy, please complete our contact form). To receive our Monthly Newsletter, please complete this form.

Here are all the different ways you can get support.

Our private forum

Our main support service is our online private forum on Facebook. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can ask any question and get support from others who have been in the same situation.

Having a support group that you can talk to openly about your cancer can really make a difference and enhance your quality of life. We believe it’s important to share your bladder cancer journey with other bladder cancer patients, so you can talk about your worries and fears with other people on the same cancer journey openly and in confidence.

We have created a member’s only forum for those affected by bladder cancer where you can discuss any worries or issues, find out about treatment options, and bring up anything you would like to talk about. Our forum spans every conceivable age, and we count medical professionals, patients and carers amongst our members.

The forum is called FIGHT BLADDER CANCER SUPPORT. We invite all those affected by bladder cancer, including people who may be writing on behalf of a family member, friend or loved one. All are welcome. 

Jane's story

Join Jane, a 53-year-old from Nottinghamshire, as she shares her journey with bladder cancer.  Discover how she navigated the uncertainties of her diagnosis, found invaluable support through the Fight Bladder Cancer private forum, and advocated for herself in the healthcare system. 


Jane: From Misdiagnosis to Support


What other members say about the confidential forum

  • “It’s a lifeline.”
  • “Somewhere to share innermost thoughts and fears and no one will judge you.”
  • “Knowing that there are others that understand exactly how I feel today.”
  • “Somewhere to turn to for information, understanding and most of all ... support.”
  • “This forum has shown me that strangers can be great support for each other.”
  • “Support from people that know, and won’t b***s**t you!”
  • “Sometimes, the warmth and caring between the members of the forum just makes me want to cry.”
  • “Whatever your problem, there’s always someone else in the same boat.”
  • “On here, the only question that is silly is the one you do not ask.”
  • “I needed to find a safety blanket to curl up with, find comfort and warmth, and to absorb my tears and fears ... this forum is exactly that.”
  • “Being able to post questions, no matter how silly or trivial they may seem, and get immediate answers from others in the same position. Sometime we have ‘daft’ questions that we might be embarassed to ask the medical fraternity but are happy to put out here in our ‘virtual’ bladder world!”
  • “There’s always someone who knows how you feel, and who’s been there too.”
  • “I have found people on here who truly understand what I am going through and have a fountain of knowledge that I can call on, whether emotionally or otherwise.”
  • “The forum has brought me sunshine in my darkest moments. I have found kindred spirits who totally understand my anxieties without the need to explain everything.”
  • “Knowing I am never alone.”
  • “As a carer I have found this site amazing. My husband doesn’t like to talk too much about it, so for me talking to people who have been there and really understand not only helps with the medical side of it but also gives me an insight into how he must be feeling.”

How to join

Our Private Forum is hosted on Facebook. This allows us to use all the benefits of a large-scale forum, but, because it is approved membership only, everything is in total confidence and can only be seen by other approved members, not your friends and family.

If you already have a Facebook profile, all you need to do is go to the forum and request to join the forum. The join group link can be found on the bottom right (see the screenshot below).

If you don’t have a Facebook profile, you will need to create one before you can request to join the forum. 

Head to Facebook. Fill in your details below the “sign up” heading. You will need to enter your name and email address and think of a password. You must fill in your date of birth and whether you are male or female (this is required for identity verification). It will ask you lots of other questions which you can fill in if you would like, but you can always press the skip button at the bottom if you don’t want to enter this additional information. Once you have signed up, go to the forum and complete the process following the steps listed above.

If you are having problems accessing the forum, please contact us and we can send you an email invitation to join. We’ll see you there!

3 men image

Find a Bladder Buddy

In addition to our forum, we also offer a 1-to-1 Bladder Buddy service. This is when we pair you up with someone who has been though the same thing that you're going through. We try to match you with a buddy on the basis of gender and diagnosis and, if possible, someone local to you. Remember, this buddy service is not just for patients: it's also for carers and anyone affected by a bladder cancer diagnosis.

If you think this would be helpful please fill out the form below and we'll put you in touch with our wonderful Bladder Buddy Co-ordinator.

Bladder Buddy enquiry form

Patient Information Booklets

Our Patient Information Booklets are available to download and order for free for patients, carers and health care professionals. Financial support provided by the Graham and Dianne Roberts Charitable Settlement, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, MSD, the National Lottery Community Fund, Pfizer, Roche, and Sanofi. All editorial control has been retained by Fight Bladder Cancer.

The Fight Bladder Cancer Patient Information Booklets are a range of free information materials covering the entire bladder cancer pathway and are tailored to each individual circumstance. They offer a wealth of information and real patient experience and stories.

Please follow the links below to order. 

Digital download:

Health professional request for folder of patient information booklets:

Health professional request for booklets for their patients:

Patient request for patient information booklets:

Online support groups

If you're a patient or family member, you're welcome to join our monthly Zoom support meetings.

Running events as video meetings rather than in-person events, gives everyone a chance to join in no matter where you are. If you haven't used Zoom before, don't worry as we have all been learning new ways of doing things lately. You will need to download the Zoom desktop or mobile app, please ask if you don't know how to set it up. See Zoom's guidance on joining a meeting for some tips to help you get started.

Register in advance for these meetings by clicking the links below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. We are very much looking forward to seeing you.

To register for our next Zoom meeting please go here.

Local support groups

Fight Bladder Cancer has a specific project to increase the number of support groups across the country, aiming for every bladder cancer patient or carer to join one in their area. You can find a list of support group events here on our public Facebook page.

If you want to help set up a local support group in your area, please download our guide from the box below and get in touch at

Not in the UK? Visit the World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition website to find your local support organisation.

You can download our handy print-out guide

Community fund



Thanks to National Lottery players, we have received funding to help us support thousands of people affected by bladder cancer through awareness & support materials, improving our private forum, and promoting support groups.

Get in touch

We’ve tried to make the information on this site as accurate as possible. Whilst we have support from medical professionals to review the general medical content of this site, please remember that only your medical team can give you specific advice about your symptoms or illness. Fight Bladder Cancer is a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation in Scotland (SC051881), England and Wales (1198773), and was initially established as an unincorporated charity in England and Wales (1157763). It also operates in Northern Ireland.