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Vision, mission and impact

Fight Bladder Cancer is the voice of all those affected by bladder cancer in the UK. The charity was founded by patients and carers and will keep the patient at the heart of all our work.

We are making a difference but there is still a lot more to do. 

We will continue to fight bladder cancer as long as there is a need.


Our vision

A future where everyone survives bladder cancer and lives long and well.

Our mission

To lead the fight against bladder cancer, driven by patient and family insights.

Our values

We are:

  • patient-led
  • compassionate
  • action-orientated
  • ambitious.


Fight Bladder Cancer, initially an unincorporated charity registered on 8 July 2014 under the charity number 1157763, underwent significant structural changes. On 19 April 2023, the Charity Commission of England and Wales approved the merger of this unincorporated charity with the newly established Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). This newly formed CIO, registered on 28 April 2022 under the number 1198773, incorporated the operations and assets of the unincorporated charity. Additionally, Fight Bladder Cancer was recognised by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator as a cross-border charity in Scotland on 27 July 2022, receiving the registration number SC051881. The charity overview for the unincorporated charity is accessible via the Charity Commission's unincorporated charity overview. For the Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), details can be found on the Charity Commission's CIO charity overview page. Additionally, the charity's details as registered with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator are available on their official website.


Our pillars are awareness, support, policy change, and research.

Awareness, Support, Policy Change, Research

Our Impact

Read about the impact we have made. Here's our most recent annual report and accounts from 2020/21.

To see a full set of our downloads please see our Downloads page.

Get in touch

We’ve tried to make the information on this site as accurate as possible. Whilst we have support from medical professionals to review the general medical content of this site, please remember that only your medical team can give you specific advice about your symptoms or illness. Fight Bladder Cancer is a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation in Scotland (SC051881), England and Wales (1198773), and was initially established as an unincorporated charity in England and Wales (1157763). It also operates in Northern Ireland.